Wednesday, March 26, 2008

WOW, That feels better!

Although I love to write, (I guess I always have) I have recently procrastinated an important writing assignment. I am in the process for applying for my first Principalship in my school district. Part of the process includes producing a project that focuses on implementing a model called Working on the Work. (More sophisticated Bloggers would insert a link here so you could check out the model yourself, but I'm still a Bloggin' Baby, My sincere hope is that I will be considered for an interview for the position and gain some confidence in that setting. You all know that I'm a firm believer in the "grow where you're planted" theory and that I believe that leaders (I'm talkin' all leaders here, people, not just world leaders) are divinely appointed, therefore, if I'm right for this school and this school is right for me, that's where I'll be but "anywho" (Holla, Sarah!). I've been working on this work - the project - and I'm almost done. And amazingly enough, as I work on it, my confidence in what I know and believe as a public school administrator solidifies. I know in my heart and in my mind that even if I don't get this job, I do have what it takes to do the job (a lot to learn, I know) but the core of who I am and what I believe is necessary for students to be learners at high levels is there! Thus, I say WOW, that feels better! Till then, I'm gonna keep on growin' right where I've been planted and for me, for now, that's just the right place.


Amber said...

I love reading your blogs! Thanks for the entertainment! :) We need to get together sometime. Zane and Griffin could be good buddies (and Karsen too!)

Sarah said...

YEA!! I was wondering if you were going to apply. Who else is? Maybe this is not a conversation for the "Leave a comment" section? I loved your thoughtful commentary on the process and I love your outlook. I will be your biggest fan!! Cheering you on!!

Jennifer said...

Didn't get the job. Still love current job - no big deal.