Sunday, May 25, 2008

The Grocery Game is for Weinies

That's right, readers! I said it!
The Grocery Game is for Wienies!
If you are interested in true savings, go out and buy yourself a scooter. Last week my husband spent $90 on fuel for his truck. This week, he spent $4 on fuel for the scooter. Try saving $86 a week by clipping coupons in your Sunday paper. I think this type of investment in our Earth should be mandatory. Although it is not practical for the mom who has to deliver her children to school or daycare each day, it is highly feasible that most men could do this. We still own the truck because we need it for things like towing our camper, hauling large items and for when Daddy Man has to pull Daycare duty. However, for those every day runs to the work place, this is the mode of transportation he will use.
Just doing our part, people.
We may not be toting around reusable shopping bags just yet, but we are saving fossil fuels and cash!


Sarah said...

Ha! hahahahahahahahaha!! Janet, do you want to get together and have a throw-down with Jennifer over her talkin' smack about the GG? Let me know.

Jennifer said...

K, just to be all scientifically precise about it...

I did, in fact, spend over $90 in gas that week.

However, that included 4 trips to the scooter store, 3 trips to the motorcycle store, 2 trips to the DMV and one visit to the municipal court for reasons that do not need to be mentioned here. None of these ventures were accounted for in the regularly scheduled route - or as they call it in the industry, out-of-route miles.

To be completely fair though, the $4 included multiple trips around the park just to look cool, a fair amount of 'gross acceleration', and some personal exhibitions of speed to and fro my required destinations.

Just to quell the thoughts going through your mind... No, I have not signed the charter for the Hell's Fairies or any other such organization.


Anonymous said...

Where's the photo of Scooter Daddy on his new ride?

Rebekah said...

I cried a little tear when I read your mean words about GG.

I also tried to talk my husband into a scooter and he said a very loud "no". Anyway I can have your man call my man and convince him?

Janet said...

OOOHHHH those are fighting words. In fact I had to wait to comment on this post until I cooled off! ;-) I must say that I do not see where you have come up with a net savings of $86. By my calculations, if your scooter cost as much as say $1,000 (on the conservative side) you are still in the hole. See below:

($1,000.00) Cost of scooter
$ 86.00 Savings in gas
(914.00) Still in the hole.

Keep scootin!

Our savings in the gg are less than your savings on gas, but our initial investment is significantly lower. Therefore, if I fizzle out on the gg I do not have to recover any investment. (Honestly, Alan has wondered since I started playing how long I would stick with it.) So far I have saved a total of $171.32 in just 6 weeks of playing the game. Pretty good for an investment of about $20!

I do commend your efforts to save money and those precious fossil fuels, but don't trash talk mine! :-)