Monday, July 28, 2008

18 Questions for Janet

Here's how this came about.

Sarah asked Kim and Kim asked Jenny and Jenny asked Rebekah and Rebekah asked Angie and Angie asked me.

Now it is time for me to ask Janet who will ask Sarah and then we will start something new because this was just plain fun!

I'm going to ask Janet some questions that I know the answers to but I'll throw a few in that I don't have a clue about...

1. How long have you known Alan and how did y'all start dating?
2. Where did you spend most Sunday afternoons and evenings during your Freshman year of college?
3. Do you collect anything?
4. What is your favorite article of clothing?
5. If you could only have one crayon, which one would you want?
6. Besides the toilet snake, any other fears?
7. Describe a "great" Saturday.
8. If you could have any spa treatment once every week, which one would you want?
9. What magazine subscriptions do you have?
10. What are you longing for when you want "home cookin'"?
11. Craziest thing you've ever done?
12. Bath or shower?
13. What product from your "getting ready" routine is a "must have"?
14. If you could play any musical instrument without ever having a lesson what would you play?
15. What is/was your favorite cartoon?
16. Someone wants to get you a gift card to your favorite store. Where should they go?
17. Household chore you would most like to delegate?
18. What accomplishment you are you most proud of?

I love you, Jane!


Janet said...

OK here goes...I've been home from vacation for about 2 hrs now and I've jumped right to blogging--can you say addiction???
For the answers:
1) Alan and I have known "of" each other for ever. Grew up in the same town, members of the same church all my life. We began dating in Jan. 2004 when Alan "happened" by my office one day with a friend. He was so cute working up the nerve to ask me out...he was nervous and had to grab a peppermint for his mouth because it was twitching a little. :-) I will always believe it was a set up that he and his friend cooked up, but he'll always deny that part.
2) At Jennifer & Daryl's house in Lubbock. I would go there to get away from dorm life at TX Tech. I usually caught up on laundry, took a nap and had some home cooking all in one visit.
3) When I was little I collected those little spoons and small tea sets, but now I can't think of anything I collect.
4) As a type of clothing: Shoes. As a specific article that I own: Pair of black pants that I work in. They are so comfy yet look nice & go with SO many different things.
5) The blue/green you know the one that is the most beautiful color of carribean blue.
6) This question is laughable since I just took my psychological profile today and they list so many, but no, nothing really...
7) Wake up about 7:30 or 8:00. Eat some pancakes, or donuts/kolaches. Lay on the couch and fall back to sleep until about 10:30. Mess around the house getting ready slowly. Go meet someone (Alan, Friend, Family) for lunch and then either shop or do some sort of craft that afternoon (certain times of the year maybe plant some flowers instead). Then eat a big dinner and maybe watch a movie w/Alan. Boring maybe, but nice.
8) Facial!
9) Memory Makers (gift from Mom)& Country Woman (gift from Alan's Mom), Hallmark (gift to myself)
10) Either Swiss Steak or Meatloaf, mashed potatoes, hot rolls, and some sort of green (green beans or turnip greens)--Our mom is the only one I know who makes Swiss Steak - is that even what it's called to other people?
11) One for the history books: get a cup of coffee...
In high school, Marybeth and I went to a party. My curfew was 11 so we left in time to get to Marybeth's house by 11 so I could call and say I was home since I was spending the night with her. Well, we couldn't stand to have to be home that early so we decided to go back. We told Marybeth's mom that we were going to spend the night over there and we were home free...Marybeth was driving my car (dd) and she only had a permit. When we got back to the party she attempted to pull into the driveway but failed to stop before SLAMMING straight through the garage door!!! Needless to say we were no longer welcome at the party, but instead of going home we just stayed out all night. I took the blame for the accident, but all the details never really surfaced until years later so there was no real punishment because we'd made up a lame story about putting the car into drive rather than reverse when we originally left the party. I punished myself from the guilt & fear that I had daily worrying if my parents would find out the truth!!!
12) Shower
13) Other than the hygene products I have to say lipstick. It can double as blush in a pinch and mom taught us the importance of both.
14) Fiddle/violin or drums - it's a toss up
15) Was: smurfs Is: King of the Hill
16) Target.
17) Mopping
18) I guess graduating from college...that's the only thing that I've ever had to work very hard for...I don't feel like I have done anything really extraordinary...tough one.

Sarah said...

Janet...I LOVE Swiss Steak. My mom makes it...I am guessing we're talking about the same thing. Anyway, it's one of my favorites...but my brother-in-law hates it, so mom never makes it for Sunday lunch. Bummer.
I've never had a facial. They must be terrific if you picked it. Fun!

KJ Druyvesteyn said...

#10--we call it Swiss Steak too. Really, I think the only people that don't call it that are the Swiss--they just call it steak.

marybeth said...

Okay I am pleased to say I knew pretty much all those answers!
First of all, I had almost forgotten about tea sets.
Next, I just want everyone to know the nap after breakfast thing is nothing new Janet loves her morning nap!
I have no comment ono the garage story....
And can someone please tell me what swiss steak is?? Did you ever make this for me??

Janet said...

OK Marybeth, Swiss steak is very tender round steak smothered in stewed tomatoes, and onion. It is usually browned a little then cooked long & slow with the tomatoes & onions. It's WONDERFULLY Comforting and no, I don't think I ever made it for you but if you know you're coming sometime give me a heads up & we'll eat it up. PS sorry to out you on the garage story to all these blog friends--it was the only story that I thought I could tell without feeling too embarrased.

Facials--yes, Sarah they are wonderful. Usually I don't like someone else to touch my face, but someone who has had training now that's a different story. It's usually an hour of cleansing, moisturizing, and best of all massage. While each mask is on your face they usually give you a light massage on your hands and feet. AMAZING!

Sarah said...

Mmmmmmm. Facials sound niiiice. I've got a big birthday coming up...maybe Jeremy will read this? :c)

pink is the new black said...

Janet! Good job lady! I have no idea what naps in the morning are...I feel like if I nap anymore, I won't sleep as good at night and I covet good night sleep:)
The Alan story is so cute...Chris (Bek's hubby) has a cute Alan story too...oh wait, Adam story...close enough:)

Jennifer said...

What Janet didn't tell everybody about Alan is that our grandparents and Alan's parents are in the same Sunday School class at the church where we all grew up. Alan's mom and our grandmother "arranged" it so that Alan and Janet were squeezed into the pew next to each other a couple of times...