Monday, December 15, 2008

G is for God and JeJus has a birthday

On the way home from Furr's Cafeteria yesterday (no we are not senior citizens, we just enjoy a place where LittleMan can eat beans and meat and PrincessGirl can eat mashed potatoes and pie and DaddyMan and I can eat spinach or greens without stinking up the house after a morning full of worshiping our Lord, thank you very much) following church, DaddyMan and I overheard PrincessGirl talking to her brother in the back seat.

PrincessGirl: Brother, do you want me to tell you about God?
LittleMan: Ess
PG: Did you say yes, brother?
LM: Ess
PG: OK, God starts with G just like you and He can live in our hearts with Jesus.
PG: Yep, Jesus. He has a birthday in December just like you. It's called Christmas.

DaddyMan and I shed a few tears over that little exchange. I am so glad that God picked me to be their Mommy.


Rebekah said...

LOVE this story. I love listening to the boys talk to each other about God. You get to see the seeds growing in their hearts. Precious.

Jennifer and Brian said...

Okay, I am pretty sure that I have never heard a cuter story than that!!! I love to see the work of God alive in our kids! Griffin is so lucky to have such a wise big sister!

Anonymous said...

I have to say that this is so cute. Kalee always explains to Jevin but he is not old enough to respond. I will catch them in the living room and Kalee will be explaining something and Jevin just goes crazy like he is responding. I can’t wait to see your kids again. I miss and love yall.

Anonymous said...

And I am so happy to be YOUR mom. Thank you and Daryl for being such good examples for your children. It only gets better. Your PePaw would have said," the best part of being a parent is the grandchildren". G is also for: grandchilden.


Janet said...

This story makes me smile and cry tears all at once! I'm so impressed by those two and I can't wait to hear what sorts of things come out of our G's mouth!

I too am glad that God chose you and Daryl to be their parents...

Anonymous said...

This made my heart smile.