Thursday, October 23, 2008

You are what you eat.

...To ease the political tension, DaddyMan offers the following post...

I do not believe this to be the case. At least I hope it is not.

You see, Thursday night is Girl Power night at dance class. Consequently, it is Man Night at home.

I am not exactly sure sure what the pink team is learning in expensive tights, but I know exactly what the blue team is learning. We are learning to throw stuff, how to make stuff, how to make stuff dirty (and how to clean it up quickly when we hear the pink team drive up), and how to eat like a caveman.

Here follows the evidence that Time for Timer was wrong - you are not what you eat.
1) I am not a pile of guts and yet I have eaten many.
2) All weiner jokes aside, I have yet to morph into a hot dog.
3) Spicy is the name of the game on my plate, but I am truly Plain Jane.

Therefore it follows that maybe, just maybe; I have not made a dramatic mistake in feeding my man-child tonight.

Yep, you guessed it, his first Manwich.

If I am wrong and he sprouts hair in odd places overnight, I apologize in advance to the family... It just sounded like a delicious meal.

On the other hand, PrincessGirl just got in trouble for having a toot festival while saying goodnight. She had a nice princess something for supper from the deli tonight, so again I offer that Anthelme Brillat-Savarin is possibly incorrect.

This station will now return to regular programming.


Jennifer said...

I love my husband!

Jennifer said...

Oh, and PrincessGirl did not get in trouble for tooting, she got in trouble for saying, "What's that smell?" Which made me take a HUGE sniff of her toot smell. That is what will get you in trouble around here! And by trouble, I mean, saying, "You are a gross tooter!" and "That's Disgusting!" to PrincessGirl while she and I laughed and rolled around on her bed. PinkPower 4 Ever!

Anonymous said...

I love'em too! Is Littleman sporting a new, shorter haircut??

Sarah said...

Sounds like PrincessGirl took a page right out of Grandma Cowell's book...remind me to tell you about her grocery store game. Classy.

Bicknell said...

You are what you eat? Have you ever worked with middle school kids? That was a set up line for them.