Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Griffineese - Proper Translations

I recently worried for about 38 seconds that Griffin's sign language was getting in the way of his actual speech. He would sign thank you, please, more, and all done. He would never attempt to use his voice to convey those particular words. The only words he would say with consistency were Momma, DaaDaa, Dog and ball.

I talked to a few friends about it. I worried for about 17 more seconds. Then I started counting words that he knows. My worries are over:

baa - ball
baa - block
baa - book
(I know that those words probably all look the same to you, but he clearly uses a very similar translation for the three words.)
shish (while signing) - fish
caw - cow
daa - dog
cacker - cracker
juuc - juice
siser - sister
shus - shoes
uuu - up
dn - down

Sounds for animals - I seriously need to video these skills for you all to see. The animation he adds while imitation farm animals is very spectacular.
aak - Quack
uff, uff - Woof
eow - Meow
rrrrr - Grr

I finally knew his speech was going to be just fine when he turned to Jax (our dog) last night and while pointing at him said, "Agh baa shi mak baa daa bgg mas, Daa." He clearly knew exactly what he was saying to Daa. Better yet, Jax seemed to understand perfectly.

Enough said.


Sarah said...

BAH!! Soooo funny!! If you need to borrow the vocab cards for around the house--let me know! It sounds like you don't need 'em, though. I love his speaking skills!

Janet said...

I don't think you have a thing to worry about--he spoke more this weekend than the last time I saw him. What fun when he was pointing out the sish on Papaw's shirt!