Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Gender Specific Marketing

As a general rule, we don't give into the "gender specific marketing". If Karsen wants to get a truck or a SpiderMan for a prize, sure thing. If Griffin picks up a baby doll and carries it around the house for a while, no big deal. Karsen helps DaddyMan in the garage as well as in the kitchen. Griffin is just as happy "helping" me do laundry as he is in the yard with Daddy.

But it is what it is. Boys and Girls are designed differently. When it comes right down to it, here's what you get. Griffin sleeps with a stuffed animal of some sort - usually a Billy Goat - and either a truck or a ball. Karsen sleeps with a number of "people" as she calls them - a various assortment of stuffed animals and dolls. Another one is added almost every night and eventually we have to kick some of the "people" out of her full sized bed so there is room for her to sleep.

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