Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Baby's Breath

There's a flower named after it( http://home.howstuffworks.com/creeping-gypsophile-creeping-babys-breath.htm ). And I've always heard people talk about "baby's breath" like it was something magical. But I've always thought it must be some concept that just eludes me much like "puppy breath" - which I happen to think is just as gross as dog breath even though I love my dog and think that puppies are most adorable. Recently, however, I experienced baby's breath in the way that is, in fact, very magical.

I rock Griffin every night. Don't misunderstand me, he doesn't have to be rocked to sleep, he just gets rocked as part of the bed time routine. I'm sure it is as much for me as it is for him, but none the less, he gets rocked. Eventually, this process will evolve into a routine much like Karsen's, but for now, he is rocked. It happens the same way every night, he gets his paci, I hold him up on my shoulder and rock and count in my head. Sometimes I rock to 50, sometimes it's 100. But we rock and I count. It is beautiful.

One magical evening, I was rocking and counting, when it happened! Right on my neck, I could feel the rhythmic breathing of this precious little boy (that is baby number 2 for a reason - that reason is - Karsen is baby number 1). I wasn't holding him differently, all I can think is that it must have been the tank top that I was wearing that allowed his breath to dance across my skin. It was magical. Baby's breath must have nothing to do with the smell but with the feel. I must have rocked to at least 300 that night.

As two of my favorite people experience disappointments and pain in growing their families, I was experiencing the blessing of baby's breath. All I could do at that moment was recall reading the precious words of another mother that was hurting. Just think about this. Even though our dreams don't seem to be coming true right now, even though we may be hurting or disappointed or sad and feeling like we are going to "Plan B", God doesn't have a "Plan B" - everything that happens, every single day, is His "Plan A". It is perfectly planned and is happening just as he orchestrated.

I want to be an encouraging voice to you both right now for I have been in right where each of you are. I am blessed beyond measure by what I once saw as "Plan B" and now realize and recognize and rejoice in God's Plan A - the perfect plan is just as it was meant to be.

I am praying for the magic of baby's breath for you, too.


Sarah said...

Oh my goodness! I am crying so hard right now you stink-face!! I wasn't planning on crying tonight! How blessed am I to have you as a friend!?! Beautiful posting and a wonderful welcome back to the blog world...

Janet said...

Thank you for the reminder that perfect timing is not Janet Timing. In fact I have never been one to have good timing--as you know (I'm always late to everything). I also know I know I know that this is Plan A for us too! I can't wait for Karsen to have a "cousin" as she calls them that comes to the family exactly as she did- THAT will be perfect!

PS - thanks for finally updating your blog. I was missing it!

Rebekah said...

You are a sweet friend to my sister and she is blessed to have your words tonight. (me too) Thank you.

Janet said...

One thing about baby's breath - the flowers. I used to remove it from any arrangement I ever received,but now I have to look at it a little differently...Today at church, they were handing out carnations to all the women (for mother's day of course). The guy started to give me a carnation and I said "no thanks, I'm not a mom...but I would like some of that baby's breath" He gave me a funny look as I took the mini flowers, but he didn't know they meant a little more to me than the carnation. Thanks Jenn for changing the way I see things!