Saturday, May 24, 2008

Un-Memorial Day - Disclaimer - Do not read unless you are ok with gross poop stories.

I'm pretty sure that on this holiday where Americans take a 3 day weekend to remember our fallen heroes and loved ones, it is simply un-American to be stuck inside with 2 kids that have the stomach virus. Griff only has a touch of it so far. Karsen has it pretty bad. Remember from a previous post that she has a very clever way of putting things. These comments have come from my pretty princess' little mouth:
  • Mommy, I have crazy poop, again!
  • Bring some cleans in here, Mom so I can make sure that I get it all.
  • I tried to make it in time, Mommy, but that poop squirted out of my hiney so fast that I just couldn't get there in time.
  • I'm not going to throw up again, that is too gross!

Let's just say this Memorial Day is one I'd rather forget.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

This is how I always look at stomach viruses--"Hey, maybe I'll lose some weight!!"
I love Karsen's take on the 'rhea. It is some crazy poop!!