Thursday, July 10, 2008

Tonsils Out

I didn't realize how hard it was gonna be on my girl for her to have her tonsils removed. She was a real trooper on Monday when it was done.

Tuesday was kinda tough.

Wednesday was HARD.

Today (Thursday) she told me that she'd rather not go to the movie like we had planned until tomorrow because she would "feel much better tomorrow".

See, she's planning to feel better. She isn't milking this. She wants to be better.

This very minute, she is sitting right beside me watching Noggin and holding on to my arm while trying to drink a Sprite. This is sad, people.

Monday night for the first time in her life, I slept with her. Again on Tuesday. Last night I went to bed with Daddy, but when I got up to give her pain meds at 12:00, she was so miserable that I didn't feel like I could leave her alone.

I'm looking forward to getting my busy big 5 year old girl back any minute. But for now, I'll just hold her and get her Popsicles and ice cream and Gatorade and pretty much anything in the world that she thinks she wants - hoping I'm a good enough momma to make her all better real quick.


Sarah said...

Here's what I need to know...did they let you see the tonsils?!? :c) You know we love Karsen and are praying for her speedy recovery...and yours...and for Griff's desire to play with her to be quelled for a few more days. :c)

Jennifer said...

We did not get to see the tonsils. I'd prefer to think that the whole process looked exactly like you depicted in the pop up card you created for her.

Rebekah said...

Jennifer--I am glad you are back to blogging. I've been missing you. Now, light a fire under your sister.

Jennifer said...

Thanks, Rebekah. I'm a little intimidated by the traffic that you and Sarah are getting. That's a TON of comments. Looks like there may be a following...

Sarah said...

Jennifer...I don't you be inspired!! WRITE girlfriend!!! You're one of the funniest people I know. Now show it!! (Did that pep you up!?!) Really...the only people that are commenting consistently on mine so far are Angie's friends and my sister's friends from high school!! I had THREE of my friends EMAIL me comments this week. What's up with that!?!? You gotta comment ON THE BLOOOG PEOPLE!!!!!

Jeremy said...

My sister knew a kid in third grade who brought his tonsils in a jar to show n' tell. I bet he was one of those kids that played by himself on the playground - am I right, people?

Sarah said...

Thought: I will give you readers a hint...tonsils have something to do with my #6 item from my ten little secrets that I couldn't tell anyone.

Jennifer said...

Please tell me what the original #6 was going to be. I must know and I'm deserving to know since I have been homebound with Karsen ALL week long!

Janet said...

Jen, keep giving that Karsen what ever she wants--surgery is tough especially when you're 5. (I know you guys are taking wonderful care of her)

I have one comment to Sarah & her loved ones: Do you think Sarah has an infatuation with things removed from people??? She keeps asking if the doctors let you see/keep the items. Has this always been an issue? Do you have a big shelf lined with jars of random removings like my 8th grade science teacher??? ;-)

Anonymous said...

Just catching up on the's Karsen doing now?

Love the cute background! I'm so impressed!

Anonymous said...

First of all I need you to talk to my husband about this sleeping with the kids thing!!! Harley is basically the same age as Grifffin and yes she sleeps with us because she is fussy you might ask?!?! Oh no because her daddy goes and gets her when he comes to bed because she looks lonely and he doesn't get to see her all day! What do you say to this? It is sweet and I don't want to discourage him from being worried about his little girl because he was never like this before. So what do I do I let him do it.

Hope Karen gets to feeling better soon!

Jennifer said...

Sara, the cute background is easy as pie. Give me a call, I'll walk you through it and even give you a clever idea you could blog about!

Marybeth, tell Jay that I am terribly disappointed in this behavior! He is more than welcome to go watch her sleep for a while, but then come to bed. May I suggest a video monitor? He could lay in bed with you and watch his daughter sleep in her own bed on the monitor! Best of both worlds...